The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

British Convention Dismisses Case Against Judge

Effect of the decision of the "Judicial Committee" - Theosophists at London for the British Convention sense the wrong done Judge - Mrs. Besant and Olcott try to "save their face" - they demand a "Jury of honour" - Judge's reply - where are the competent "occultists"? - who can tell whether a "Message" is or is not genuine? - Mrs. Besant proposes the matter be placed before the British Convention as a "Jury" - Judge promptly consents - Mrs. Besant and Judge read Statements to the Convention - Mrs. Besant admits the charges due to "personal hatred" of Judge by "certain persons" - Old and Edge indicated as the "guilty persons" - Mrs Besant denies responsibility - says she sponsored charges for "Judge's sake" - admits Judge is in communication with Masters - says the "messages" in the "Master's script" - but says she believes Masters did not "directly" precipitate them - acquits Judge of dishonorable intentions - apologizes for her share in the case - asks Judge's forgiveness "for wrongs done him" - Olcott adds a footnote to Mrs. Besant's Statement - says he asked her to make the charges - betrays himself - Judge makes his Statement - says he did not couple Mrs. Besant's name with the charges to save her - denies "forging the handwriting of Mahatmas" - admits having delivered Messages - affirms their genuineness - refuses to say how they were done - denies right of anyone to make unverifiable charges - says anyone can receive Messages who "lives the life" - never tried to influence others - says handwriting, seals and "precipitation" not a "proof" that Messages are from Masters - forgives his enemies - Mrs. Besant's and Mr. Judge's Statements analyzed and compared - the British Convention unanimously accepts the Statements made and declares the "Judge case" a "closed incident" - the "Occultism and Truth" circular distributed after adjournment of the Convention - Mrs. Besant's Lucifer article on the "Judicial Enquiry" - her evasions and misrepresentations - the signers of the "Occultism and Truth" circular - show who were behind the persecution of Judge - what "possessed" his defamers - were Mrs. Besant, Olcott and the rest deliberate malicious assassins of reputation of Judge? - they were "occult failures" - could not discriminate between truth and falsehood - moved by the same self-righteous relentlessness as religious bigots in all times - Olcott's Parthian shot after the Convention - his article on "T.S. Solidarity and Ideals."



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